There's No Such Thing as a 50/50 Relationship

4 min readMar 5, 2023

I'm not here to tell you not to pay half of the bills, but I am here to tell women the true cost of most of these relationships…

Photo Source: Unsplash via Jessica Felicio

I've been avoiding the preposterous 50/50 debate for years. Yes, I admittedly windmilled over this topic years ago, but I quickly realized that most people were not ready to have a real discussion. Nevertheless, after a very candid conversation with a few friends over the weekend, I decided to put my thoughts in writing once and for all.

Changing Relationship Dynamics

I constantly see threads and conversations with opinionated men and women debating the notion of 50/50 relationships. Honestly speaking, each and every time I see the topic creep onto my timeline, I am tempted to log off. For whatever reason, we now live in a time when the average woman, especially the average Black woman, is grossly undervalued.

Indeed, we seem to live in an age in which all women are judged solely based on looks, and thus, may be promptly discarded after a man has gained access to their body and had their way with it. Moreover, despite pretending to favor 'gender equality,' many men judge women's sexuality more harshly than ever. So, rather than giving grace to the women who succumb to their hormones outside of committed relationships, they simply use this as an…




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